I took this portrait of August and Lucy when he was 11. Lucy belonged to his sister but once she entered high school, other priorities took over and August became Lucy’s primary caregiver. Lucy is so docile and agreeable she seems to have no personality at all, which I suppose is a personality in itself.

I loved photographing these two together and was smitten with both of them. August a pre-teen, had that unfiltered awkwardness and shyness - the transparency that I love to observe in kids. This portrait is just one of the reasons why I feel portraiture is so important. You’re not just capturing a single moment, but a historical reference of childhood. A sense of being, personality and character that can never be recaptured once these years are lost. For me, the reward is that I know as an adult he will look back someday and remember this time with Lucy - his beloved rabbit, and have a formal yet informal portrait of their inseparable bond.


Be the Outlier