Artist Han Feng with Punch

AKA: Punchy

Punch: Border Terrier

Idiosyncrasies: Likes to lay on top of tables.

Favorite Food: Human food.


Lucy and Pepper

Pepper is a Holland Lop eared Rabbit and was born on Christmas day.

AKA: Pepperoni, Peppy, Peppster

Idiosyncrasies: Nudges to be petted, loves to hide, and kicks the hay out of her litter box if she doesn’t like the kind she gets.

Favorite food: Bananas, broccoli and strawberries.


August and Luci

AKA: Luci short for Lucifer. Lucy was part of an art installation at the opening of the “Lucifer Falls” series by photographer Jeff Bark.

Idiosyncrasies: She loves cheek rubs.

Favorite food: Celery and carrot tops.


Lennon and Sonic

AKA: Just Sonic

Idiosyncrasies: None

Favorite snack: Bugs


Jennifer and Elmo

Jennifer takes a nap with Elmo her cockatoo, in her grandmother’s bed. Jennifer bought Elmo to keep her grandmother company when Jennifer is at work, as Elmo talks. Though her grandmother has passed, Elmo still says “Papito” which was the nickname her grandmother gave him.

AKA: Just Elmo

Idiosyncrasies: Won’t eat anything that is purple. When he’s angry he says Jennifer’s name with a Spanish accent.

Favorite snack: Chicken


Ella and Sydney

Sydney is a rescue who was found tied to a lamp post outside a bodega in the Bronx NY.

AKA: Syd

Idiosyncrasies: Jumps and slaps her paw on the floor like a kitten playing with a ball of sring.

Favorite food: all food, and lots of it.


Elias and Milo

AKA: None

Idiosyncrasies: None. He’s a lizard.

Favorite snack: Crickets.


Sophie and her Chinchilla Coco Ramona Hermoine

AKA: Coco

Idiosyncrasies: Loves to be wrapped in a blanket like a burrito.

Favorite snack: Carrots, raisins, sunburst gourmet blend mix.


Everest and her corn snake Snakey

At first Snakey was named Maize, but the name never stuck. Everest’s brother Gunner thinks Snakey belongs to him, but Everest says he’s misinformed and making false claims and that Snakey really belongs to her. They have a close bond.

AKA: Snakey

Idiosyncrasies: None

Favorite snack: Mice on ice.